Generally speaking, mass is the result of training, and symmetry/shape is the result of genetics. But a person might be predisposed to gaining mass more or less easily (think of the term "hardgainer").
To get abs that stand out, you need to lower your body fat percentage considerably. (For men) around 10-12% bf you will have some noticeable abs, but if you want that chiseled look (like the above picture, or even a little more so) you will want to go somewhere in the 8% range. I'm unsure if the same percentages work for women, since they are designed to have a little more body fat.
Bodybuilders in competition form are typically in the 2-4% body fat range--and this is a purely temporary state.
There are many exercises for abs, but they are a muscle group that is challenging to work. You would be very hard pressed to simply crunch yourself to a six-pack.
If anyone wants more info on ab training exercises, just respond.*