The little woman and I were at M4 once for Singles Fridays (they allow single males). I doubt that we will repeat.
I think they treat single males just fine....There are rules, there are couples only areas, there is a guy working there to ensure that the single males don't get out of control.
The odds are stacked against you if you are a single male.
There are enough couples to be sure, but the single guys are a dime a dozen. The second there is any sexual activity between a male / female couple, the single males sort of drift over like sea gulls in a parking lot at McDonalds.
First one, then 3, then 10. All jerking their (small) cocks, all trying to get in on the action. As a result - NOTHING happens because you become overwhelmed and naturally defensive and end up moving away. I only saw one woman playing with 7 or 8 men. The rest of the male female couples appeared to be sticking to themselves and politely declining the single male advances (for fear of starting a feeding frenzie.) My female friend was giving me head on a couch in the back bar and first thing you know, 5 guys are standing there jerking their cocks in silence, hoping to get in on it.
The fantasy of taking on multipile men may be exciting, but the reality is not. The reality is overwhelming and again, every man (other than 1 guy) was remarkably under endowed.
My best advice to the single male would be to be very clean, over dress, arrive early, and try to garner an invitation from a couple in the front room. Going to the backroom and figuring that you're going to get lucky did not seem to be working too well for the guys I saw. (Other than the one woman who was quite happy taking on a large group of jerking males.)
I much prefer the couples Saturdays because you never feel like prey. It's highly more sexual and much more relaxed.
My very serious advice would be to find a woman to go with you on couples only nights and forget the idea of being a single male at a Swinger's club.
Last word of advice, if you are not 35 and up, don't go to M4. It's an older crowd. Stick to Wicked.