I watched the first three episodes before I gave up on it. It was nice to see them use SVT-40s, though. I have two of them (during my 'surplus gun nut' phase) and, well, it was nice to see them in any show. I did ask myself the same question as some did above, regarding whether those rifles were properly zeroed in. For that matter, given the production variations during wartime, no two Mosins shoot the same way. They probably just bought a box of Wolf ammo, bought two SVT-40s and two Mosins, shot them enough to make sure they didn't jam or blow up in their faces, got a cursory 'nod' from an on sight 'advisor' who sold the rifles to them, and churned out the episode.
However, I think I have an allergy to that 'reverse cymbal' or whatever sound that is which is in every reality show during those 'zing' tension moments. The mechanics of the genre led me to give it up before the 'ugh' moments with the rest of it.
Monty this seems strange to me.
The movies had that movie thing,
but nonsense has a welcome ring
and heroes don't come easy.