idyllic, i have no objection in other faiths building their centres and places of worship wherever the municipalities and councils deem fit. If it fits within the planning policies, and is passed through councils, then there really is no reason not to build whatever the private developer has invested into - be it a religious, commercial or residential building.
what people need to realise is the city needs to service the people that live within it. Refusing to acknowledge that there is a need for religious community centres will only drive those centres into ill-equipped and badly controlled underground centres in the hands of the wrong people.
So instead of having a transparent centre that is willing to engage in interfaith dialogue and speak to the community, you set the tone where a centre believes that they have been marginalised and this breeds resentment.
Freedom from everything leaves you with nothing. Dont deny the contituants of your city and they'll show that gratitude back.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy