Originally posted by krwlz
Lookin at my first semester, and I AM engineering, so I have all 3....And one of them may be an 8 or 8:30....
Well you are just screwed then.
Originally posted by blackdas
What do you guys recommend me to do? I'm not going away for college (I'm staying in NYC), and my ex-girlfriend who is also my best friend is still in the city because she is a senior in highschool. What should I do with this situation? Is it worth talking to her still? Is it worth still trying to get some once college starts?
This seems rather specfic for this thread BUT sure why not still talk to her? I mean if she IS your best friend then keep her that way. On that note, yea, chase alot of college tail too.
And now I will say an ingeneral thank you to those offering advice. I too am going to be a freshmen this year. It shall be a trip I know. I just have to go about it one day at a time I suppose.