""It would be a terrible mistake to destroy a 154-year-old building in order to build a monument to terrorism," one woman said." Yeah, I think that just about sums things up nicely doesn't it?
I find it sad that this is even an issue and I often wonder how many people really, truly value what this country stands for and the rights we've worked so hard to preserve. Its so easy to take freedom for granted when you're in the majority, your own rights aren't the ones being trampled and your not being told you have to leave because people find you and your way of life offensive merely because of association or are just too stupid to understand it. I don't know, I think a lot of people in this country just don't have the balls to live in a free society where everyone is treated equally, its too hard, too uncomfortable, too much fear of whats different, too easily offended, too fucking scared.
Maybe someday we as a whole will actually understand and appreciate what this freedom thing really means but when I read about stuff like this it sure sounds like a lot of people are still a long way from getting it.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”