Originally Posted by Reese
The Runaways 7/10
Unmarked Spoilers about something that really happened ohnoez!
I wanna give it a 10/10 because I love Joan Jett but I can't because the movie is WAY too short. It barely gave Sandy West or Lita Ford any screen time. Hell, It didn't even give them a "Where they are now" text at the end. I rarely say this but the movie could have been 45 minutes longer and been better. It should have given a better sense of time passing, It should have given more screen time to Sandy/Lita. It needed more lead up to Cherie's departure from the band, then a little more time after showing the eventual split a couple of years later. And, umm.. Holy Crap! Dakota Fanning is growing up!
I was a bit disappointed in The Runaways as well. There was something terribly cliched about the storytelling; only at the end did it feel like it took on any "depth", and by then it was too late. Pity. Still worth a watch because of the solid performances, though.