Car stereo system issues.
I think that electronics is better than motors for this, only because it deals with just the car speakers/amp. If I'm wrong, can a mod move this for me? Thanks.
When my father sold me his old car a year ago, the front passenger-side speaker had not been working at all for a while. Accepting that as a given, I never really gave it too much thought. Last month, I was messing around with the equalizer, and I kicked the bass up all the way. That front speaker suddenly started working, albeit quietly and with much less bass response than the others. I put the equalizer back to normal, and it kept working for maybe a week before dying again. The head unit is the factory default (Pontiac, 1999), and the speakers were replaced and the amp added in maybe 2003-4. Is this a speaker issue, can it be the connection from the amp, or could it be the amp itself? Thank you very much for your knowledge and advice.
Well, we're doing mighty fine, I do suppose, in our streak of lightning cars and fancy clothes. But just so we're reminded of the ones who are held back, up front there ought to be a man in black.