My position: The Tea Party movement has a considerably non-white contingent.
Media/Opposing position: The Tea Party has a negligible or non-existent non-white contingent.
Since one can, in fact, see non-white faces at Tea Party functions (and since, as Baraka points out above, polling data seems to put the Tea Party at approximately 12-20% non-white) one of these positions is demonstrably closer to reality than the other, despite the fact that both are subjective. It's the same as describing a sunset as "reddish" while another describes the sunset as "green." "Reddish" is a good approximation of the objectively indescribable colour of a sunset, while "green" is so far removed from that reality as to be safely describable as "not even close to reality."
I realise it's a clumsy way of making the point, but it's the best I could come up with on a busy day.