the tea party gets sweetheart coverage.
On certain FOX segments, maybe. But Anderson Cooper referring to them as "tea-baggers" with that asinine little smirk is hardly "sweetheart." MSNBC using an edited photo of a black Tea Party member carrying an AR-15 (carefully cropped to show only the gun, not the skin-colour of its' owner) to score gotcha points about "racist white teabaggers carrying guns to rallies because they're angry about a black man being President" is hardly "sweetheart." Glenn Beck comparing Ron Paul's 11/5 "Money bomb" to terrorism and intimating that Ron Paul supporters should be "dealt with" by the military as terrorists is hardly "sweetheart."
the only way in which organizationally (and this stands in for logic as well, since you're talking about actually existing organizations in the panther party and naacp) these entities have **anything** in common is if you view them from a perspective of not knowing a whole lot and lump them all together because they're primarily african-american organizations. but push at that too far, particularly given that you know there's no reason to assume contact, and you land in a version of the problem you're protesting about (o those black folk are all the same blah blah blah)...
You're letting your prejudices get the better of you again. The point you make above (that the NAACP and NBBP are separate and that one does not control the other) is corollary to the point I've been making: that the Tea Party is no more capable of controlling their lunatic fringe and hangers-on than the NAACP is of controlling the NBPP. The difference is that nobody is trying to force the NAACP (which is, as you correctly point out, an actual formal organization which would be structurally capable of acting as a whole) into accountability for the Panthers, while people are continuously trying to force the Tea Party movement (which is, again, -not- a formal organization and therefore lacks the structural ability to do -anything- as a whole) into accountability for their fringe gadflies. Nobody with any brains calls the NAACP racist because they're unable to rein in the Panthers, but everybody and their dog has gone after the Tea Party as a pack of racists because they're unable, for analagous reasons, to rein in the assorted inbreds that show up to their events.