actually, i based my argument first on the simple fact of organization with an inside and an outside (naacp) as over against one that does not (tea party).
second: the days of the naacp being a "left" organization are long over with. you don't know the lay of the land seemingly.
so if the naacp has an inside and an outside and is (like it or not) WAY more moderate than is the new panther party, so much that there's no reason to assume any contact between the organizations (this runs both ways as the panther party is still leninist, so very attentive to inside/outside questions) much less influence.
the only way in which organizationally (and this stands in for logic as well, since you're talking about actually existing organizations in the panther party and naacp) these entities have **anything** in common is if you view them from a perspective of not knowing a whole lot and lump them all together because they're primarily african-american organizations. but push at that too far, particularly given that you know there's no reason to assume contact, and you land in a version of the problem you're protesting about (o those black folk are all the same blah blah blah)...
and if your real point is to complain about the treatment meted out to the tea party by the mainstream (moderate conservative) media to the tea party, this is a strange way to go about it (i know, i know, the thread kinda requires it)....but personally i don't see that the tea party has anything to complain about. compare the amount of coverage its actions get and have gotten to ANYTHING organized by groups to the left of the democrats (anti-war movement anyone?) and you'll perhaps understand why basically all this complaining makes me laugh.
i think it's funny.
the tea party gets sweetheart coverage. it wouldn't exist as a movement without the sweetheart coverage it gets on faux news for example. i wouldn't complain if the lunatics are the public face of the movement. the movement owes EVERYTHING to the exposure. there is no bad publicity, right?
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite