but you assume that somehow the naacp "controls" the new panther party?
you're joking, right?
I assume nothing of the kind. My point is that the non-existent Tea Party "leadership" is being called upon to repudiate the racism of their fringe associates, people whom they in no way control, by people who -also- have a racist fringe associated with them (but whom they likewise cannot control). The difference is that various high-profile members of the Tea Party -have- repudiated the racism of their uncontrollable fringe (which repudiation has been ignored), while NAACP leadership has not. Likewise the Tea Party has been demonised in media as racists due to the existence of their uncontrollable racist fringe (and despite said repudiation), while the NAACP has not. Both sides have a racist fringe associated with them, but one side has been called repeatedly and excessively to account, while the other has not.
This does not, of course, address the fact that Tea Party "racism" appears to consist of (and be supported by) satirical and at times offensive placards. King Samir Shabazz and his associates explicitly advocate outright genocide. "Kill cracker babies" and all that. Even Freddie-boy Phelps doesn't tell his followers that "you're gonna need to kill some baby fags." Yet the NBPP gets a pass.