I think that a major part of the offense taken on the part of the Tea Party is the egregious double-standard being applied. Tea Party members have been accused of racism, and browbeaten with demands to prove they're -not- racist (an unprovable negative) from Day One because they had the temerity to oppose Mr. Obama. This despite the fact that there are, in fact, "minority" Tea Party members in large numbers (a fact conveniently ignored by the NAACP and mainstream media: doesn't fit the narrative, see). Racism has been repeatedly repudiated by various well-known Tea Party members and speakers, which repudiation has been predictably ignored by the NAACP and mainstream media (doesn't fit the narrative, see). All the while, unsubstantiated claims that various Congressmen were called racist or homophobic names (none of which was, to the best of my knowledge, captured by any of the dozens of cameras and microphones trained on the people in question at the time the alleged incident occurred)* are being used to smear the entire Tea Party movement as a crowd of racist thugs.
All the while the NAACP has done nothing to repudiate the voter-intimidation and racism practiced by the New Black Panther Party and their hangers-on (kill cracker babies, etc) and has seemed to cozen to it in many regards.
Compare: Tea Party members are accused, without evidence, of using racist slurs and for this are demonized as racists in the media and by major advocacy groups. The New Black Panther Party is let off the hook despite video of them advocating genocide against whites, infanticide against whites, and practicing voter-intimidation through the use of inflammatory and hateful language and the carry of weapons.
That sort of double-standard is what has people upset. Lots of people within the Tea Party have been angered by the racist fringe of their own movement from Day One and have done everything possible to distance themselves from such people, and -still- they're tarred as racists, while the people -calling- them racist have done nothing whatever to repudiate their own racist lunatic fringe.
*Andrew Breitbart has offered a $100,000.00 reward for video of this actually happening. So far, he still has his money.
Last edited by The_Dunedan; 07-16-2010 at 07:02 AM..