I first read these as a series when in early high school (13 or 14, I guess), and really enjoyed them at the time.
A couple of years ago I borrowed them from my brother and re-read them, and found them quite simplistic. What had been a fantastic adventure as a teen became severely cheesy.
Eddings, as an author, in my view, is nowhere as convincing as others in the genre. His heroes are almost too perfect. I found when I read further books of his (e.g. The Mallorean series, The Elenium series), that he (or should I say they - his later works show his wife as co-author) recycles the same 'fantastic party of people vanquishing the baddies' plot. It seemed like re-reading the same book.
Having not read this too recently, I don't want to comment (for fear I'll be in the wrong book).
who hid my keyboard's PANIC button?