Originally Posted by pan6467
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Jackson, Sharpton, Rev. Wright, the Black Panthers and so on are every bit as racist and as full of hate as the KKK and Neo Nazis.... problem is when anyone states this, they themselves are called racist.
Dude, I know! They're all trying to cleanse America of Jews and White people! Oh, wait...
These people and groups only have 3 purposes, continue hate mongering, keep a divisiveness in the country and raise money so the leaders can continue to buy their million dollar homes, mercedes benz's and so on.
OH! So
that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to keep the brother man down so that they can continue to live like white folk.
This is the NAACP trying to bully people and use white guilt to try to keep the tea partiers from success. All it will do is fire them up more. Hell, if I recall correctly, when I stated I was going to a tea party there were people on here saying they were nothing buy disgruntled white people and the mainstream media tried to portray them as such.
Well the "Tea Parties"
do seem to have an unusually high proportion of white faces in the crowds. But I could totally see why the NAACP would want the Tea Partiers to fail; I mean, c'mon, reduced spending and reduced taxes would be the worst thing to happen to blacks, right? Less money for welfare. I mean, many would have to actually get actual jobs, right?
It's ok for the Black Panthers to break the law and bang batons, call out racial epithets and intimidate people directly outside a polling area (our own government dropped a slam dunk case against them) and the whistleblower is called names and our own government tries to disgrace him.
Why do you think it's okay? Oh! You're being
ironic. I don't think that's the wisest thing to do in Tilted Paranoia.
There are some serious problems here. The sad part is the very people who decried Reagan, the Bushs for their abuses and power mongering through businesses and people (usually the religious right)are the very ones that support this racist bullshit and are so quick to point fingers.
The world really
is black and white! You're so right! The masses
are so stupid! Stupid masses....