thanks alot Baraka. I guess what I'm wondering is if you all think people will begin to clash at public events ? I meal real riots with people dying ?
I'm not interested in weather either group is racist, racism is everywhere, but all the hubub is talking heads yanking the chains of the masses again. ya know it's like an illegal dog fight.
again nobody has a monopoly on hate, the groups are made up of people who have problems and have alot of anger, but I'm just worried people will really let go, and what will happen.
Perl Trade
Boink, I wouldn't worry about anything. There's just alot of tension in the country right now. nothings going to happen aside from verbal arguments.
I hope your right on this, there is alot of shit in the air now, more than ever I think in my 48 years considering the natural and man made disasters, economic upheaval and 2 wars ?
throwing political-turned-racial violence on top ? geez, it's just too fucking much !