Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
I miss the point. All boxes are black on the inside when they're closed.
Regulatory systems try to compensate for inadequacies, but require compliance. Individuals remain the only means to our ends, & you know how we are...fragmented (necessarily), confused (by complexity), distracted (by irrelevancies).
The ability to do a thing does not confer the right, right? Doing it right might. I have the feeling that those who decided to cut corners for $ were too inside the box.
What about stupidity?
Cutting corners for money??? What is cutting corners to save money going to cost BP? What did cutting corners to save money cost Exxon? What did taking on excessive risk for money cost Lehman Bros. or AIG?
Again this ...cutting corners to save money... line is overly simplistic. If new regulations are to be based on this faulty reasoning, perhaps it is obvious why regulatory systems fail.