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Old 07-13-2010, 04:48 PM   #15 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Originally Posted by MSD View Post
Also, considering their calendar set the creation of earth at the beginning of the first long count in 3112 BCE, even if they did predict the end of the world in 2012 I don't see why we should give the prophecy much consideration.
Actually, just by happenstance before falling into a faint after working for 20 straight hours, and just noticing sometime this morning I was in the midst of a '2012 marathon', I learned that the current long count calendar that the Mayans and all other scholarly experts are making much ado about whatever, is not the first. It's just the most current, last, and whole calendar they have have encountered, as well as the only one that was actually made during this count down towards this next cosmic event. It's basically a calendar for this era, or Age's cycle in-between the dark rift surge / galactic alignment event, which happens at an interval of 25,625 years a clip, or when the Earth's regular spin on its axis completes its next "wobble".

History shows the Mayans created at least three different era long count calendars, and upwards of five, perhaps going back as far as they might have thought civilization had endured here on Earth ; (which if you add it all up, is too long of a time to even comprehend humans living together intelligibly: 100,000+ years of backtracking the stars and constellation events through time) though I don't see much of the point, seeing as the Mayans own empire lasted somewhere in-between the 5th (as early as) and the 9 baktuns, (where archaeologists agree the civilization was in decline and vanishing) so there would be no need, in my own estimation, to make more than one long count calendar, unless it were to be necessary in order to realize something I'm not even nearly close to realizing, but the Mayans did, of some kinds of astronomical events that might have occurred in the past, before they became so dedicated to stargazing.

According to the Popol Vuh, a book compiling details of creation accounts known to the K'iche' Maya of the Colonial-era highlands, we are living in the fourth world. The Popol Vuh describes the first three creations that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world where men were placed. In the Maya Long Count, the previous creation ended at the start of a 14th b'ak'tun.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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