From The Longest Thread Ever! thread:
Originally Posted by BadNick
I think this is an interesting chocolate palate:
Vik Muniz. Action Photo, after Hans Namuth from Pictures of Chocolate. 1997.
Chromogenic color print. The Museum of Modern Art. Gift of Patricia Phelps de Cisneros in honor of
Adriana Cisneros de Griffin through the Latin American and Caribbean Fund. © The Estate of Hans
Namuth and Vik Muniz/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
MoMA | Vik Muniz: Painting with Chocolate
One of Muniz’s most well-known bodies of work is a series of pictures rendered in chocolate sauce. Action Photo, after Hans Namuth (1997) is made after a 1950 photograph taken by Hans Namuth of Jackson Pollock frozen in mid-dance as he was making one of his paintings, Autumn Rhythm. Muniz’s subsequent appropriation and translation of this image into chocolate is a perfect marriage of subject and material. The viscous chocolate syrup (incidentally, he used the brand Bosco) is a perfect stand-in for Pollock’s wet, shiny paint drips. This new acquisition not only strengthens the Museum’s Muniz holdings, but is a welcome complement to MoMA’s rich Pollock collection.
Other interesting Vik Muniz works of "food art":
Medusa Marinara (Pasta on Plate Shaped Into a Likeness of Caravaggio's Medusa Shield)
From Sugar Children series:
jelly & peanut butter Mona Lisa:
black bean soup Che:
more chocolate
sugar children