Wow! I literally haven't visited this forum in YEARS. So, forgive me for just jumping right in here (especially on a topic a month old)...
Disclaimer for the following comments: I am a professional wedding photographer. I've shot a number of weddings as a "second" shooter, a number of them as the "primary," and a number of them alone.
The first point I'd like to make is that trying to figure out your package deals is, to be honest, the very least of your worries.
Shooting a wedding casually -- that is, walking out the door and deciding on a whim to take your camera -- is worlds different from shooting one for hire. There is a lot of pressure. You can't just rely on getting some "neat" shots at the end of the day. You have to be savvy enough about the wedding process to know which shots to look for and have the timing to be able to get them. You have to be able to move quick, but also stay out of the way. You have to be able to nail the shots in ALL kinds of conditions. It's easy shoot a nice outdoor wedding with plenty of light. Not so easy to get decent shots in a dim church where you're not only not allowed to use a flash, but also are forced to stay at the back of the room (I've been there - it sucks). You have to know how to be a mediator and work people sometimes to get the shots you need -- they will sometimes be stressed and won't have the patience for you.
In short, it's a tough job. A blast, but a tough damn job.
Have you thought about contracts? Wedding photography is a business. It's a high dollar business, and there's a LOT of risk involved (you only get one shot to get it right for any given client). It's vital to have an iron clad contract that spells out exactly what you will and won't do and also outlines all of the services you offer. Not only that, but it needs to also protect you from circumstances beyond your control.
Have you thought about how you will offer your shots? Are you planning on turning over all of the digital files (generally, not common practice)? If that's the case, you'll need to know to give them the rights to get them printed -- many places will turn down printing images that look "professional" without proof of ownership. If you plan to offer prints and wedding albums, have you looking into where you're going to get those?
I don't want to come off as harsh, but if you haven't shot any weddings as a hired gun (either as a primary, a secondary, or solo), then you're not ready.
If you haven't put together a contract and run it by a lawyer, then you're not ready.
If you don't have a business license / tax ID, then you're not ready.
The very best advice is to do what Manic_Skafe suggested: Get hooked up with a pro wedding photographer and shoot a few weddings as a second. This is the absolute best way to learn what to expect when you go it alone. You'll see what shots you have to have without all of the pressure on you.