Originally Posted by LordEden
You know, posting some writing exercises here would be a great way to "work" our writing muscles, let me know what kind of exercises you are going to do BG.
I can do that. I have a decent book that has exercises categorized by specific aspects of fiction, including plot, characterization, and setting. I can summarize/simplify/synthesize the exercises for our purposes here.
Also, I think you are thinking to hard about this, the point here is to write crap. I think you are letting your editor brain get in the way of just writing.
It's a bit of both, and a bit of some other stuff. I know what I'll write will be crap, but that doesn't stop the fear of judgement from doing its thing. I'm going to write a novel regardless, and that's the point. I don't see a problem with overthinking it. It's what I do.
My main concern is being able to sustain an idea worth 50,000 words flowing at a rate of 6+ pages per day.
For the record, I'm leaning back towards fantasy again. I don't know why I think I should write about the real world and real things. I've spent my life avoiding the real world and burying or otherwise twisting the bits I've been unable to avoid. Why stop that practice with fiction? It seems unnatural. The real world can kiss my ass.
Over the course of these weeks leading up to the big month, I'll try to post various generic exercises for people to try. I keep them clearly categorized so people know what they're trying to accomplish.
In the meantime, I'm going to continue reading George R. R. Martin....and maybe some more Eddings....