hey all, so my drive was getting full and I hooked up a new seagate external drive (1TB) yesterday.
I had a folder of movies that was just over 700gb of movies I wanted to move onto it.
so I just copied and pasted it to the new drive, rather than cut and paste, I figured I didn't want to cut it just in case something happened during the transfer.
and it did...heh. my computer beeped and went off with 15 min to go on the transfer (according to the transfer indicator box anyway)
at least I think there was 15 to go but I did walk away from the comp for the moment it beeped and went off.
so, now I'm wondering, was this a dumb way to move large amounts of data.
with so many files I'm wondering how to check what might not have gotten transferred properly, aside from checking one by one ?
I just did another transfer of 67.8gb and after it was finished I checked properties and they both have the same file and folder count, same 67.8gb.
I think it's all fine but I suppose I'm a little paranoid...
so I just wonder what the best way to do this kind of thing.
usually I take some time and transfer/organise smaller chunks like 10gb or so but I've been busy lately and things piled up.
before I delete the originals I want to be sure I got everything copied properly, so I thought you guys might have a process for this.
thanks for your help