Most people would sooner speak openly about politics, sex, relationships, or religion than they would about money. It's that ultimate taboo; you just don't do it unless you're really close.
Money is definitely tied into emotions. It makes people stupid: not having enough, having too much, in between.
I'm on the not having enough end of things. I know how money works; I just don't have any. If the average person woke up tomorrow with my debt-to-income ratio, it would emotionally crush them. Financial advisors would say, "There's nothing I can do to help you other than tell you to make more money and pay off your debt."
My issue is that I'm a severe perfectionist with a fear of both success and failure. I'm in the spot I'm in because of emotions, and so that's what makes me a good example of what emotions and money can do. I feel like I'm not good enough, talented enough, experienced enough, qualified enough to make more than I do. As a result, I've had the same mediocre job and same pay for over 5 years.
At this rate, I'll be lucky to be debt free some time in my forties. Maybe then I can start a retirement plan.
Yes, I know. I suck.
Emotions and money, yay!