I am a desert rat by birth.
A German/Cherokee mutt blend is the only thing I know about our blood line. I know I am related to a man who worked with Edison on light bulb filaments and at a World Fair. My grams is an Okie, but we were never raised with any sort of traditions or culture.
I was raised for the first part of my life thinking that those who believed in this being named god were crazy (birth mother's second husband was a real nut job who "spoke in tongues"). From the age of 10 till about 14 I was Lutheran, now I am nothing. So religion has never been and identifying mark for me.
Mostly, I am someone who has spent most of my life feeling like I do not fit in anywhere. However, I am beginning to realize that I belong in my skin, I belong exactly where I am and I try not to question who I am.
Frivolity, at the edge of a Moral Swamp, hears Hymn-Singing in the Distance and dons the Galoshes of Remorse. ~Edward Gorey