You know this is interesting coming from you dlish, because as an 'aussie' I don't really have any identity. My Mum and her family immigrated to Australia not too long after WW2, and my Dad's side of the family was strongly Irish (like a lot of Australian Catholic families from that era).
I love Australia, it's the country I've been born and raised in. But I'm not a nationalistic person, and I used to identify more with the Eureka flag than I did with the Australian flag. I'm an Australian, but my nationality isn't my identity. Ever since I moved to Melbourne I've been accused of having an American / Canadian accent, but it's just because of the way I enunciate my words, so I've never really felt 'Australian' as such.
But don't get me wrong, deprive me of V8 super tourers, sausage rolls and meat pies, Tims Tams, Aussie Rules, and John Clarke and I'll start freaking out.
Having said that, bogan white trash can all die in a fire.
You are not a slave