I agree, for a literalist the speaker doesn't matter. It's the word of god, no matter where it is in the bible. But I have two huge problems with they way they do it even with that stipulation. The first is that they take things out of context (as was already mentioned). That's different from not referencing the speaker. One or two sentences taken by themselves can often give a much different meaning than the same sentences surrounded by the paragraphs they came from. And often people who quote the bible to prove rightness or wrongness do this in a very disingenuous way.
My second problem is that most of the quotes like this that christians toss around are from the old testament, and jesus tossed quite a bit of that out. That's what the whole "new covenant" thing was about. And that's where stuff like the "Let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone" came up.
I used to have a lot of the bible memorized (back in high school). One time a woman was arguing with me about how the bible was supposed to be taken literally, and was rattling off quotes from it to prove that god meant it to be used that way. So I quoted the part from, umm, one of Peter's letters I think, where he said that no woman should argue with a man, but should be subserviant. Then I said "So stop arguing!" and she stomped off in a huff.