This is that nature of mine again. This newly-issued thread will yet again be another repository for a theme, now named and known to be for showcasing
Film trailers. Any films, any series, new, old, kitch, fan-made, and whatver else you may have or know about; if you can share it, then share it here, why don't you?
Additionally, any comments about a particular trailer, film or franchise featured here is welcome to take part at any stage; I even encourage it. The only thing that I ask is to not share any random trailer, just to make yourself a new post. If you genuinely enjoyed it, and wish for fellow community members to also enjoy its contents, then, by all means. In a sense, by contributing here, you are imparting both starter knowledge and a recommendation, to whatever particular snippet of video you chose to display.
I do sincerely hope I've kept this descriptor short enough, and inviting enough, so that it won't just be me here, alone again, trying to appease myself, solely. Interaction and relation is a good thing, and I'll try to feature a little of everything so I can draw in almost anyone who has a passing fancy for moving pictures, and all the hundreds of sub-genres that fall into such a category.
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Now playing:
Somewhere, starring Stephen Dorff and Elle Fanning, due for release in December of this year.