Originally Posted by FuglyStick
yeah, there is an obvious, blatant snafu in the engineering of the iPhone 4
as I said, full of fail, give it another 10 years, Apple is on it's way back down to the bottom of the heap. Just like they have been in the home computer market, they will be eclipsed in the mobile market. They continually mismanage their asses into a hole in the ground. Granted, it's still a very profitable "prestiged" hole that loyalist will continue to empty their wallets in to
Apple is still the standard of innovation in the smartphone market.
The original generation of iPhones, yes, everything since then? no. They're behind the curve in features now by far. They stifle innovation in favor of censorship or standardization of platforms in which it only stands to benefit themselves instead of the overall marketplace.
The existence of the iPhone doesn't bother me, it's a solid phone and can hold it's own, it just pisses me off when people tout is as "best" or "standard of innovation" when that's just bullshit. It's a middling phone in a sea of options, it's not the fastest, it's not the most feature rich, it's not the cheapest, it's not the most reliable, and it's not worth the goddamned fanboy worship.