Originally Posted by Shauk
Apple = full of fail.
I don't think that's really accurate. Apple is still the standard of innovation in the smartphone market. But it is an incredibly boneheaded engineering misstep by a company that claims to be vastly superior to any competitor. It's like building a fantastic Italian sports car the performs beautifully but dies if you do something as innocuous as turning on a turn signal. The rest of it is impressive, but how does THAT make it under the radar?
I will say that the pro-Apple/anti-Apple war amuses me to no end. The cognitive dissonance employed by both sides is hilarious. On one side, you have the die hard Apple loyalists, who insist that Apple can do no wrong and that Apple products are STILL leagues ahead of any competitor, in spite of "trivial" engineering glitches (they're not); on the other hand, you have the Job haters who insist that Apple phones are nothing more that smoke and mirrors, driven by a rabid, delusional fan base, and that Apple doesn't set the standard and benchmark for smartphone technology (they do).
In this particular case, yeah, there is an obvious, blatant snafu in the engineering of the iPhone 4--a snafu that is, in some ways, inexcusable from a company that enjoys touting its "superiority"--but other than that fuck up, it's still a great product, one that the overwhelming majority of users will be very pleased with.