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Old 06-30-2010, 10:25 PM   #6 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
One thing I noticed early on is, as much as it states this is a "characters'-driven" listing, it's also much more of a pop cultural smörgåsbord, leaning heavily upon movies (not many films, tho, which I find odd) and television, with a bit of sprinking in of net culture (not much to warrant mention, I'll add). And they near-totally neglected music (save for the mention of Gorillaz, which to me, since 2004, have been more of an interactive/internet pet project of a band) and there have been quite a few characters and crazies involved in the music scene I would much rather seen included than some television dramas I've never heard of.

Which brings me to the second point, or more of an addendum to the first: in that there were no movies/series mentioned twice in the listing, (I don't even think they mentioned an actors' name more than once) and therefore, the editors' in charge of this list, I think, picked the most recognizable franchises and entertainment brands FIRST, and then decided to see which charcter within that universe personified it best, the 'poster-child', if you will, of whatever show or feature, in whatever # listing. Probably went with a similar process with the names (they chose inmate Freeman instead of President Freeman, or cop Freeman).

There's also more than few, but perhaps less than a dozen, characters and the shows from which they stemmed, which easily could have been let aside, but I'm guessing their were enough fanboys/fangirls in the EW's editors' conference room that liked 'em, (District 9, Melrose Place, Alias, and more..) opted for their own choice instead, and decided to not look up a more appropriate choice.

The one travesty is that there is not one single mention of Will Smith (nvrmnd, saw Hancock up there) ADAM SANDLER in the rundown; that guy practically owned the 90s, and has still been prolific enough during the 00s that I didn't immediately forget about him after Wild, Wild West Spanglish. Therefore, I submit Happy Gilmore (from Happy Gilmore).

But what, no Zordon (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)? No Denny Crane (Boston Legal)? No Bender (Futurama)? (not one single mention of a robot, either.) There's also not nary a single name of a wrester in there: Stone Cold Steve Austin (WWF), anyone? Who's currently in a band and has tons of personality? First choice off the top of the dome was Flavor Flav (Public Enemy) but he dropped off the planet for a while (15 years) and he's more of typified product of the 80s, I'd reckon.

And as much as I love/hate the guy and his snarky series, but you (we) have got to give some respect to Mister Tony Bourdain (No Reservations). He might not count, though, as I just re-read the caveat that all characters in the listing must be fictional. What say you about Lady Gaga? She's a character, I think we can all agree on that, and there's no way she acts like that around her parents and priest, so I say she is fictional.

Ah! Smooth write-in candidate: the Gecko (Geico).

Last call edit nomination: Staff Sergeant Sean Dignam (The Departed).
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi

Last edited by Jetée; 06-30-2010 at 10:40 PM..
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