Tap water is fine unless your tap water is not very cool. Then some people use a prechiller that basically is another coil before the wort chiller in an ice water bath. My water from my garden hose cools my wort fast enough for me even in the summer months. Cooling faster simply saves time in my opinion. In fact there are many people these days doing no chill brewing where they simply wait until the next day to pitch the yeast. Palmer's book I believe is what made people think that if the wort wasn't cooled in a half hour or less then bad things would happen.
Wyeast smack packs are also what I use. I've pitched some pretty big beers with smack packs and never had a problem. The only time I make a starter is when I wash and reuse yeast.
If you can't move the weizen to a secondary when you want, it will be fine. You will find that the beer will wait on you and that letting it wait is better than rushing things. Something else I do as far a secondaries go is not do a secondary on my wheat beers. Typically by style the weizen should be cloudy anyway. A kit that I used to buy had Irish moss that I quit using just to get that pretty straw colored wheat beer that I wanted.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.