Probably the same reason I'll watch the TV show as a guilty pleasure but have no interest in reading the books
In this particular instance, though, I don't quite understand why he did that. I mean, I get that it was hateful angry sex, but, uh, why not just NOT have sex with her? Pretty sure that's a better way to get back at her.
The scene in the motel with Tara and English Vampire (whatever his name is) had a frustrating production error. Looking out the window, it seemed like daylight, not streetlight, that was shining on him. We know it was supposed to be nighttime because it was dark when Tara opened the door, but it made onodrim and I do a double-take.
Vampire mythology gripe: it doesn't make sense for there to be a magical barrier that prevents vampires from entering a human's home uninvited, yet they can glamour someone across that barrier and make that person invite them in.
---------- Post added at 08:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 AM ----------
Oh yeah, I'm totally down with killing off Tara and everyone related to her except Lafayette. Easily the most annoying characters on the show, and that's saying something!
---------- Post added at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 AM ----------
Hmm, maybe you need to revisit the books? I just came across a bunch of people talking about how the scene happens in the books (implying, of course, that it does happen).
As one person notes, "In the books he is supposedly compelled by his maker due to the nature of the blood bond between them." That's the only explanation onodrim and I could come up with for why he'd do that, but it really makes no sense because we already know that she released him.