I've been meaning to work on a new theory on that sort of thing, but then that would factor in working on time traveling, and without yet perfecting my new "perfect" calendar, (of which I found some old kinks in the machine again) it'll still be some time before I'll revisit the notes of whether or not it is possible to back in time, even if just for 12 seconds (or more, depending on height, weight, age).
I missed my deadline for starting it again. I've got too much on my plate; and I'm still hungry for more (diversity).
I think it's been exactly 12 years and counting since I told myself to buy a new camera (canoe, parakeet, etc.) and I have yet to allow this to come to fruition. I'm pitiful. Procrastination will soon become a new entry for the medical dictionary, I predict.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi