This thread should be a collection of 'affirmative' statements for debate.
Some guidelines:
- It needs to be a defensible statement, and therefore a complete sentence. So rather than say "human cloning" as a topic, say "Cloning humans specifically for organ harvesting is unethical in all contexts"
- It needs to be subjective, and have some grey, so that each side can be well supported. Conspiracy theories are best left for the paranoia forum.
- Make it specific enough that clear arguments can be made around it. "We shouldn't eat fish" is ok, but "Large scale fishing operations are environmentally unethical for reasons of sustainability" is much better.
Here's some starter topics, and I'll keep adding to the list (and subtracting, as we use them)
"A man named Jesus, who a substantial portion of the Jesus stories were then based on, existed"
"Bestiality and Necrophilia should be illegal in all circumstances"
"The success of the majority of elite athletes is attributable more to nurture than nature"
"Professional athletes are paid far higher wages than they deserve"
"CEOs are paid far higher wages than they deserve"
"Modern civilization needs religion in order to continue to exist"
"It is in the interest of a countries economy to strictly regulate offshore outsourcing, instead of letting the free market run its course"
"Artificial child pornography in which no actual children were abused should be legal"
"Retroactively legalizing all drugs and releasing everyone charged with drug crimes is the best step to solving America's prison overpopulation crisis."
"Downloading of music should be legal, and musicians should make their money on promotional material, special edition albums, and concert ticket sales"
"A national 55mph speed limit should be instituted to combat the looming peak oil crisis"