Doesn't really change the point: we won't change until we're forced to. All those wide-spread uses are all excellent reasons to continue using fossil fuels to fuel our lives until the last possible second, or until it gets so freakin prohibitively expensive that we finally are forced reluctantly to turn away from our oil lovin' ways.
glad to see my prius is helping in some small way though. I thought I just was one of those suckers who overpaid to accomplish nothing. well not NOTHING but it's hard to tell sometimes.
So to move this along a little, I actually live in Louisiana and was considering signing up for one of these oil-cleanup jobs. The work is hard, and long, but the pay is excellent. No benefits, no long-term guarantee of a job, but definitely an excellent short-term possibility. Do I leave my decent-paying, career-minded job at a good company to chase money? It pays about twice what I make now, but I kinda need the insurance seeing as how my wife and I have a baby on the way.
These are the good old days...
formerly Murp0434