Originally Posted by papounet
I am under the impression that the topic at hand was approached from two very distinct sides; Will arguing with statistics that always show a general trend while telekinetic centered his arguments on the effect on one person alone.
Very good observation. As soon as I realized tele was going to argue from a combination of emotion and individualism, I realized I had to fall back on my particular strength, which is larger trends in society as a whole. Still, I hope it didn't come off as two different discussions going on at the same time. I tried to speak directly to tele's points and he did the same for me, despite coming at the topic from different directions.
The debate was interesting because, I think, both telekinetic and I both generally agreed with the cases we were making. It will be interesting as this feature evolves to see when people are asked to argue against themselves. I'd be excited to argue for economic imperialism or theocratic rule precisely because I so strongly disagree with them. It give the debater an opportunity to not only flex his or her skills but also to research things that they normally wouldn't, necessarily.