Originally Posted by oliver9184
The Killer Inside Me 7/10 Who's the vilest, most heinous, inhumane movie villain you can think of? Chances are s/he's several rungs below this film's protagonist, Lou Ford (Casey Affleck), on the ladder. I don't often have to deliberately and determinedly look at a the opposite side of the screen to where the action is happening in a scene. It's the adult equivalent of peeking through one's fingers or hiding under the seat. The Killer Inside Me is a very talky and convoluted film noir based on a notorious crime novel by Jim Thompson - how talky this film is, especially in its fat middle, is it's biggest downfall. The thick Texas accents everybody speaks with sound very nice and authentic but it makes what they're saying hard to understand and consequently the twisty-turny plot is too easy to lose track of. This film illustrates perfectly the reason I watch with subtitles at home so people interested in seeing this film but not used to hearing Lone Star State drawlings should probably do likewise. Casey's intensity and his strange high-pitched voice make him ideal for playing this sort of character. There's some good action, extremely black humour and an ending that I can only describe as being profoundly troubling.
I really like Casey Affleck and I want to watch this but I can't find it anywhere with its limited US release 
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