Originally Posted by deportes
It is really hard to watch sports, it never fails that a Fkng referee, umpire, whaterver you would like to call the fkrs, makes huge so called "mistakes". Like the perfect game the 1st base ump took away with a terrible !not even close safe call! a couple of weeks ago... 
That call by Jim Joyce was AWFUL, probably among the worst I've seen in my lifetime and yet, despite no obligation to do so, he had the balls to talk to the press, admit his mistake and explain why he thought he made the right call. And what happened? He was almost universally forgiven and the issue was dropped.
What bothers me about blown calls is the insistence of almost every organized league in complete silence on the issue, as thought admitting a mistake or clarifying the call to the public some how hurts the integrity of the game. If a statement was issued explaining the call or recognizing a mistake people would probably just move on, instead they allow it fester and the integrity of the game is called into question anyway. Its silly.
In the end there is nothing that can be done and the US was robbed of points they earned but its a shame they think so little of the fans that they can't even be bothered to tell us why the goal was disallowed, I think the fans and players deserve at least that much.