That was a lot of fun. I knew from the outset that I was fighting a losing battle statistically speaking, so I was very careful to craft my opening post (and all subsequent ones) in a way to try to discredit or disempower any of the many arrays of damning statistics Willravel could bring to bear. I'm happy that it seems I was successful!
This is a well-trodden issue, particularly on the internet, and so I had a bit of an advantage that I already knew the general structure the 'con' was likely to take. However, my worthy opponent was able to add several new twists that had me saying "oh crap, I'm sunk now" at just about every turn. Because I was up against such a crafty adversary, I was very careful not to make any objective claims that could be disproved. All in all, I must say: Well played, will, well played.
twisted no more