The veil is only mentioned in a Haditha in an off comment by Muhammad.
I don't remember the verse (it's been half a decade), but Muhammad was sitting in a tent with an Officer. He basically asked where the daughters were, and the officer replied they're behind the curtain. Muhammad stated, that's good.
And that was pretty much it.
The veil was a MUCH more ancient tradition, which varies depending on where you go. The Mahgreb (N. Africa Coast) had old traditions where Men and Women are separated completely, women stick to the rooftops during the day so they can buy/sell items without ever seeing a man, and vice versa with the men on ground level. The cities are built so one can walk rooftop to rooftop. These cities existed as such when the land was primarily Christian, and continued on with the help of that off-cuff comment.
If you go to Egypt as a white american female and don't wear the veil nothing will happen. If you look Arabic without the veil as a woman you'll get cat-calls (they think you have lower morals)... but nothing worse than a good looking woman walking past a bunch of construction workers.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas