This is a topic I've run through my mind quite a few times. First off, I have no kids, so this is all just theory (and basing it on what *I* would do, not what an SO would do). I'd raise my kids without the involvement of church (not an easy thing to do in the deep south), but there would be sources of religious material around the house. I'd want the child to make his/her own choice and would support whatever choice that was.
The problem I would find with allowing the child to make a choice is, when is it about religion and not "the big brick building that you get to color pictures and eat cupcakes at on Sundays". When is a child old enough to really be able to make a decision on their spiritual beliefs without the "well, I've been going to church all my life, so I guess I'm a christian" dogma weighing down upon a educated decision. I just wouldn't want my child to blindly be led into Christianity without really looking hard at what they (as a person) truly believe in.
I am against organized religion, so a lot of that factors into my ideals and theory. I think that's a big question you should ask yourself; why am I raising my child with out religion? Is it to protect them from religion or is it to nurture them into making their own decision? What led yourself in to moving away from religion? Do I want to pass that onto my child?
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich