Originally Posted by pan6467
I can see that as a possibility or the possibility that because of the title and entitlements that come with it he has an overblown ego and belief he can get away with such things.
Originally Posted by Wes Mantooth
Sometimes people are just giant assholes regardless of their stature or title, I doubt he pulled this stunt because of his position its probably just his nature.
If he was committing murder, embezzling funds, getting his kid out trouble when he is driving around with 10 kilos of coke, or taking handouts from lobbyists, I could see you being right pan. This incident? Take away the suits/ties and it looks like an old redneck trying to push around some young kids that were bothering him. An asshole is going to be an asshole no matter what title he has in front of behind his name.
For there to be a question of impeachment or any judicial action, the "student" has to press charges. I don't condone what he done (he shouldn't have grabbed the kid), but this seems like this got blew up to massive bullshit proportions. I can't wait to see the kid on TV with his arm in cast/sling talking about his physical pain and emotional trauma.