apologies for the rash posting will.
i wasnt sure if it was or wasnt meant as islam, hence the disclaimer "if you were referring to islam..". Since you were'nt then its not the dumbest thing you've ever said, and it makes perfect sense. the beauty of hindsight. apologies again.
In any case, i still thought that the 'some' you refer to with regards to stoning for rape, are people like the taliban and their ilk. of course i cant speak on behalf of every scholar/sheikh/imam but from what ive seen, heard and read, none of these in their sane mind would make such a judgement for a rape victim.
i think some of the laws may need revamping, how so, i cannot say, but the fact is that islam and shariah isnt a rigid body of laws and is open to interpretation, further analysis and criticism contrary to what some might think. It's evolution is obvious over the past 14 centuries, but like ive mentioned, its still 6 centuries behind christianity. Thats not to say that islam will condone scantily clad women in 600 years or pre-marital sex etc, but that islam is prone to change with time within the confines of islamic law.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy