Considering the relative ease of being able to find someone willing to pay you for your services, regardless of the quality of your work, whether or not you could drum up business based upon the strength of these weddings isn't much of a standard. I don't see much wrong with these photos but also don't see much to like. Were I a prospective client, I really wouldn't know what to expect you to deliver after having seen these. Clear enough vision, sufficient technical proficiency but nothing that'd sell me on you over anyone else. Build a stronger port before putting yourself out there.
If this is the only wedding you've shot then hone your skills by shooting for free or seeking out a second shooter/assistant apprenticeship with an established photographer. Besides the damage to your business/brand, running headlong into this before you're ready leaves you open to a world of legal troubles.
"Porn is a zoo of exotic animals that becomes boring upon ownership." -Nersesian