Originally Posted by dlish
will, from a person i considered as a pretty smart human being, if you were referring to islam, then thats about the dumbest thing you've ever said.
It's a shame you didn't read my post more carefully. I was condemning laws that stem from any religious beliefs. I cited Judaism, Islam, and Christianity because I didn't want this to be another pile-on-Islam thread. Judaism includes cutting the foreskin. Islam includes, according to some, stoning a woman to death for being raped. Christianity teaches that life begins at conception (without demonstrating it) and then condemns abortion as murder. These are nonsensical rules that cannot be questioned within their faiths. Secular laws have the benefit of being subject to change and questioning. I can question a legislator or judge because humans are fallible. I can't question a god because the believers think their morality is absolute.
Originally Posted by dlish
find me a reference where islam condones such practices as rape victims being stoned to death. please dont use the taliban as a reference. that is not islam.
You don't want me to go down this road, dlish. I respect you and I respect your beliefs. I know that you would never consider stoning a woman to death for anything regardless of whether it could be found in the Qur'an or Hadith. My one and only point is that religion-based laws aren't for me. I prefer secular law.