while i only have an hour and a half before i go to work, i fear that even this isnt enough time for me to answer all your questions, queries and proddings. seriously. I'm happy to give you the lowdown and tell you my side of the equation, others here might be able to chime in too.
however, i do have one concern here, that from the limited knowledge you have about islam, the quran, sunnah, hadith, along with the different opinions and interpratations of the different schools of thought and the imams themselves, it is impossible that you can make any sort of stance on this matter, or base your knowledge on any conclusion. i personally know many imams and sheikhs who devote their lifetime to specialize in the study of shariah law.
however, this is the type of language that concerns me with your post...
I am also led to believe.....
From what I know of the Qur'an, which isn't much...
It seems to me that Muslims ....
I am led to believe that the words of the Qur’an ...
It seems to me that the Qur’an disallows...
It seems to me that Muslims are forced ...
and thats just reading through that quickly...there may be others
you're makiing assumptions on things you do not know, have heard from others or just plainly wrong.
i think what you do need to do is go down to your local bookstore and buy a quran off the shelf..or better yet, if theres a muslim bookstore in town, they'd probably be happy to give you one.
after reading the english version (try the Yusuf Ali or the Pickthal translations into english which i recommend are the best for ease of reading) try and read about the history of hadith and the 4 schools of thought which can become a bit daunting. just as a basis to try answer some of your questions.. if your intention is purely for the pursuit of knowledge, then that is what id recommend.
the other request i have is that you break up your questions from the body of your assumptions as it gets confusing. i will try and answer these questions tonight, as much as i can, but i wont be home before 10pm tonight so it may have to be over a few days
again, id love to answer all the ive said before i dont profess to know everything, but as the resident muslim here, id love to try and help you (and everyone) understand queries they may have. dont take my response the wrong way, but i think you'll just need to work on the way you present your view instead of a lump of text which makes readability pretty hard. ...and for the record, i dont get upset.
lots of assumptions, lots of theories, lots of questions...i'll try my best
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy