Originally Posted by dc_dux
State violence against the people....now, thats just bizarre.
While not condoning at all the thuggish actions of the congressman, IMO, part of the problem is these new "journalists" who are not out to seek or report on the facts, but to ambush the "enemy"
Perhaps when they display even minimal levels of journalistic standards and ethics, such responses might not occur.
I agree with you. We've delved into paparazzi journalism. Ideally, this guy would have scheduled an appointment and sat down with the Congressman. I don't know how realistic that is, however. Do congressman sit down with the blogger side of the media? Do you have to be AP to get consideration? Perhaps, some do and some don't.
One sees a lot of this in the ambush documentaries of the day as well. Michael Moore comes to mind first, but certainly it happens on all sides of all issues. They aren't even documentaries, when you think about it. The situations are so contrived as not to document events but to "create" events to film.