Given the recently announced find of over $1 trillion in mineral deposits Afghanistan, perhaps Obama should be given credit for expanding US war efforts for the resources in that country. I think at the very least US companies should be first in-line to "help" Afghanistan develop those resources, what do you think? Taxing those US companies "helping" Afghanistan is one way to address our national debt. And certainly US companies should get the first opportunity to buy those resources at "fair" prices, right?
Certainly we are going to have to maintain our military presence to make sure those resources don't fall into the "wrong" hands, right? Perhaps, we will be there for the next 100 years or at least until Afghanistan needs "help" with those resources. Was this some kinda hidden Obama's global domination plan? Or, was it Bush's? Is Obama a genius who was able to project to the world weakness, while putting in place to structure to "help" Afghanistan develop its newly found national wealth? Have I been under-estimating Obama? Who would have thought 21st century colonialism would occur on his watch.