Short of checking his prostate, what justification did Drunky McWhitebread have for assault, again? I'm all sorts of confused.
I grew up in a pussy world where grown men couldn't just wrassle each other over harsh language and a differing opinion.
*hides those damned dueling pistols*
I don't give a shit if the kid said he was a puppy peepee-sucking commie, it doesn't justify any physical contact.
Even the in-yo-face-with-the-gizmo and annoying reporter talk doesn't warrant that kind of legal bad touch.
This is totally mamby-pampy assault of course... as Americans we're guaranteed to see hotter action on Maury.
Honestly, if I was a judge? I'd let it slide for both idiots. My ruling would be: "Stop being total choads, mmkay?"
Last edited by Plan9; 06-14-2010 at 07:04 PM..