I recently read somewhere (probably in that very long survey of "facts" that went into this discussion, link provided by B_G above) that Keanu Reeves is the best portrayed actor right now that internalizes an emotes the "cool but stoic hero".
I'm not sure why this has, in part, become a criticization of his acting skills, or lack thereof, although he perhaps recognizes he's not worthy to be commended on his performances; why should he be judged, though, at this point, whether or not he's a good actor? I consider him to be a successful practioner of the craft, and I doubt you'd get any arguments from randoms on the street if you were to classify him as an "A-lister" (though, I'm guessing, the most popular response you might get from such an endeavor is a "get the hell out of my way", or something similar).
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Originally Posted by oliver9184
"Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you, go home and play with your kids."
Yes I know, nice people deserve not to be sad and he does look like a nice guy and he does look sad. But I'm struggling to think of how making a picture of him eating a little bird or himself will make him happy. If he surprised himself by pulling an amazing performance out of the bag and got credit where its due for his next film he would DEFINITELY be happy.
I'm not picking on you, oliver, but somehow, your response(s, coupled) here reminded me of a few others I had read in the rottentomatoes link (which I hid somewhere above, in my nearly-took-a-half-hour-to-post-editize-and-complete.. thread).
See here the examples (and I also do note that if anyone here might be written into the TFP Yearbook as the "film buff", you might get the shiny nod above all others, so I do realize why you'd want your actors to be, at the very least, "decent") ...
infernaldude writes:
He's an interesting guy even if his acting can seem a little wooden. And its not that he's a bad actor, he just gets miscast often. But in the right role, he kicks azz. IMO. I mean the guys Neo.... He's also Johnny Mnemonic but that was just Reeves gearing up for being Neo so we'll forgive him for that. Constantine helped me forgive him for Dracula, also.
He may be sad because the guy has been through some pretty tough stuff. He survived the '90s pretty well unscathed by drugs n such while other colleagues didn't (River Phoenix). And didnt his wife or babys mama die or something? Actually if I remember his baby died! tough stuff.
I respect the guy. Maybe this will be his 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon!
Bloody Mathias writes:
Dude, he's just having a quiet moment to himself. Sure, he's had some soul-crushing things happen to him in the '90s, but he's moved on. Relax folks.
It's not like he's gonna hang himself tomorrow.
But as far as internet meme's go, it's a good one.
AND by far, the best comment I've read thus far into this week-long (on-and-off) realization of this meme:
Jay Sherman writes:
Looks like someone should have taken the blue pill